Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
Woman with Green Hair, 1982
Other , 40.5 x 42.5
Paint on Plexiglass

"I made images of female figures at the installation 19 Enochian Keys vs. 39 Steps of A. Hitchcock: in a hardcore haidressers’ salon in London, I hung ten transparent plastic folders on rubber wires. The folders represent the 19 Enochian Keys. These keys are each represented on one side of a map by an image combination of myself, buildings, hypnosis and trance.

The film 39 Steps/19 Keys is part of this. In it, I make a comparison between the demonic directing manners of filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock on the one hand, and the 19 ways to call the devil on the other hand."