Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
The HeadNurse-files (AMVK 1995-2005), 2004
Book , 174 p., 31.7 x 23.5 cm
Ink, paper


The publication is the result of a cooperation between: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Kunsthalle Bern, objectif_Exhibitions, Antwerpen.

The HeadNurse-files are published in conjunction with the exhibitions: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven - How Reliable is the Brain? (NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, 16.05-11.06.2004) and AMVK-EZFK (Kunsthalle Bern, 28.01-26.03.2005).

Research: Patrick van Rossem
Concept: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Editor: Patrick van Rossem (associate curator objectif_exhibitions, Antwerpen)
Advisary board: Suzanne Titz (Director NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein), Philippe Pirotte (Director Kunsthalle Bern)
Graphic Design: Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven in collaboration with Kim Beirnaert
Research assistance: Annelies Vantyghem
Authors: Filip Luyckx, Corinne Melin, Dorothea Olkowski, Philippe Pirotte, Renate Puvogel, Suzanne Titz, Ronald Van De Sompel, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Wim Van Mulders, Patrick Van Rossem
Translations: Gregory Ball, Pauline Cumbers, Anne D'Hondt, Danny Devos, Christopher Griffin, Audrey Van Tuyckom, Stefan Barmann
Text Editing: NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Kunsthalle Bern, Objectif_Exhibitions Antwerp

Coördination: Objectif_Exhibitions, Qoquilhatstraat 14, 2000 Antwerpen, BE
Printed and bound by: Imschoot Printers (Gent, BE)
Edition: 1000 copies
ISBN: 9080849332