Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK
7 Stripverhalen (7 Cartoons), 1976
, 20 x 26 cm each
silkscreen on paper, edition of 100
Andermans ongeluk laaft (Schadenfreude)
De vrijheid wenkt in de lucht (Freedom Beckons in the Air)
Een nieuwe; slechts als er 1 afvalt… (A New One; Only if 1 Falls off...)
Het leger waakt (The Army Wakes)
Leve de non-konformisten! (Long Live the Non-Conformists!)
Uit de lucht komt het geluk (From the Air Comes Happiness)
Waarom nog mannen? (Why Still Men?)
"This was my first act as a conscious artist. Every comic strip shows a position I take. About overpopulation, craving for the good that might fall from heaven, friendship, the utopia of emigrating to space, regret, betrayal and deception, and recuperation of someone else's misfortune."