Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
Only the Green Moments Make It All So Acceptable, 1980

"A. I hang 39 plexi-works on the walls, all in different colours and formats.
B. I also hang 7 European thoughts about ‘thinking’ on the walls.
C. On the floor are 6 combinations consisting out of : 1, a piece of used American bath-carpet, pink-fluorescent. 2, a Thrifties plastic bag, filled with yellow radioactive water. 3, a European thought on brainwork, red-fluorescent. 4, covered with thin transparent plastic fastened to the wall with black electricity- wire. 5, all overwhelmed with an American publicity-text.
D. I combine the 6 combinations through thin green- fluorescent tape with one of the European thoughts on the walls. But the tape never reaches the thought.
E. From each combination come 4 green tape-lines.
F. For light there is the bright L.A.light, it makes the space very white and bright.
G. The music ‘Radio in Another Room’ was made by Willy Tielemans."