Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
De Mens in het Dier, 1985
Series , dimensions variable
acrylic and felt tip on Plexiglas

(The Human in the Animal)

"The installation De mens in het dier, which I made for the International Cultural Centre (ICC) on the Meir in Antwerp, was shown in a more extensive version at the Association for the Museum of Contemporary Art (VMHK) in Ghent. I stuffed that space with even newer work and added Een kwestie van hormonen (A Matter of Hormones) to the title.

In retrospect it was, all together, perhaps a bit overwhelming and insufferable, but at that moment I was not interested in any aesthetic presentation of my work. Everything I had made within this particular period, I wanted to show together, because my father had just died. I wanted to show what went on in my head; it had to be shown, as an overload of visual information.

Curator Jan Hoet hated the exhibition, made a lot of noise and was running about shouting ‘Shame!’ I was completely shocked. Four years later, he began to like my work better. Multiples were made from these works for the Friends of the Museum."