Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
Series , 14 x (100 x 150 cm)
casein paint, acryl paint and spay paint on digital prints, mounted on wooden board with glue and metal screws

"A series of collages whose effect is inspired by Karol Szymanowski’s impressionistic music piece La Fontaine d’Aréthuse from 1915. As basic images, I took pictures from the magazine Playgirl from 1958, which are scanned and layered, mirrored and multiplied. The works contain texts from the book Rhythm Analysis by Henri Lefebvre from 1992, together with pieces from my first text on computer from 1980.

The titles of the collages are the titles of chapters from Le Miroir des âmes simples et anéanties et qui seulement demeurent en vouloir et désir d’amour (The Mirror of the Simple Souls Who Are Annihilated and Remain Only in Will and Desire of Love by Marguerite Porete, the thirteenth-century mystic. When I read the introduction to that book, I thought: ‘That’s me; I’m the reincarnation of that woman. Her writings are also a sex and technology project, like my HeadNurse project.’"