Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven / AMVK

(c)image: AMVK
Prober met filosofen: Spinoza, 2000
Mixed Media , 42 x 29.7 cm
computer print on plexiglas and pvc, with magnetic back

(Prober with Philosophers: Spinoza)

"These works are part of the whole process around Morele Herbewapening (Moral Rearmament), a Sex and Technology project, with the subtitle Veerkracht Thuis! (Resilience at Home!).

As HeadNurse, I took 96 images of women from my database and connected them with words from texts about possibilities for internal self-organisation, about thermodynamics and knowledge representation, about order in systems in a state of imbalance, about connectionist networks and about the representation of concepts and associations in general. Through a systematic use and reuse of images of women, from the first nude magazines to the Sexual Revolution, I activated an alchemical process in five steps. Starting from Baroque thinkers, all the way to Nietzsche. As HeadNurse, I am both the assistant of Nietzsche and the female counterpart of Big Brother."